Coupons.com has just reset a few new coupons. They go great with this weeks in-store coupon at Albertsons. The in-store coupon for Albertsons makes select varieties only $1.49 a box ( limit 2). Now remember you can use a manufacturer coupon WITH an in-store coupon. SO use both the in-store coupon and the manufacturer coupon, and you will be able to get cereal for .49 cents a box!!!!
They have 8 new cereal coupons all for $1 off one
Corn pops
Rice Krispies
Special K
Raisin Bran
Fruit Loops
Apple Jacks
Frosted Flakes
Mini Wheat’s
They have 8 new cereal coupons all for $1 off one
Corn pops
Rice Krispies
Special K
Raisin Bran
Fruit Loops
Apple Jacks
Frosted Flakes
Mini Wheat’s
Yay! Thanks!